
You may remember that back in May we asked you to submit Freedom of Information (FOI) requests asking for your job evaluation documents, and to our knowledge over 200 of you did this.

We did this for 2 reasons; 1 to get the information and 2 to put pressure on NLC as part of our campaign to have Equal Pay paid out.

The Council raised this with us at the first (and only meeting so far due to the holiday period) meeting around settling equal pay to advise that they wanted our agreement to drop the FOI requests due to the amount of work that it causes. We advised that we couldn’t do this as each request belongs to the person who submitted it, not us.

However, we did agree that the Council should write to everyone involved explaining the following:-

1. That UNISON no longer require the information as we will be provided with everything we need as part of the talks.

2. That the Council will provide the information to you if you write back to advise that you want it for your own records.
The Council have contacted me today to advise that they will be issuing the letter along with your schedules today and tomorrow and I agreed that I would post this via the website and Facebook page to let you know that the letter is “above board” and agreeable to us.

So to summarise, we no longer need all of you to insist on the information being provided, but if you require the information for your own records please write in response to the Councils letter asking them to provide it.

Hope this is clear colleagues.

John Mooney